The New Hampshire Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) is meeting today. It’s kind of a sad day for me as this will be my last function as President of the Chapter. Today we vote on a new board for the upcoming year (we run on a “school year” calendar.) I have really enjoyed being President of the Chapter, but the time went swiftly and I couldn’t accomplish as much as I had hoped I would.
I am looking forward to the future though, and plan to work on some committees where I can help accomplish the goals I didn’t meet as President. For those lawyers who practice Elder Law and are not part of NAELA, I highly suggest that you join. But, more than that, you have to participate. You must join committees and task forces and put some effort into helping the organization. That way your goals and the goals of the organization can combine and both be met by your own efforts. You will meet some great people, get to know them well, and probably enhance your own personal reputation and business prospects, all by doing some good for others.
For individuals looking for Elder Law advice: seek out an attorney who is a member of NAELA and especially one who joins committees and boards and participates. That attorney will probably know more about the issues of Elder Law (or know who to ask) than others.
Thank you to my fellow members of NH-NAELA for allowing me to serve as President of the Chapter.