New Statewide Elder Abuse Hotline in Massachusetts
The Massachusetts Elder Abuse Hotline is moving to a single intake process with one phone number for the entire state [...]
Don’t pay to get a copy of your deed
This is a reminder that there is a company that pulls deed recording information from the Registry and then sends [...]
Massachusetts Estate Tax Planning
The majority of people have estates under the Federal $5.4 million Estate Tax exemption. But the Massachusetts exemption amount is [...]
The Estate Tax
You may be working on your Income Tax return about now and know more than you wish about income and [...]
Disabled Individuals now able to create their own Trusts
On December 13, 2016, President Obama signed H.R. 34, the 21st Century Cures Act, into law. The bill included the Special [...]
Life Estate Deeds
The Life-Estate Deed is a tool for Probate Avoidance and Medicaid-Planning. The owner of Real Estate deeds it to children [...]
Will You Need Long Term Care?
“The potentially catastrophic consequences of becoming disabled and needing long-term care is arguably the gravest financial risk that older adults [...]
Medicaid Misconceptions
There are many misconceptions about the Medicaid program (called MassHealth in Massachusetts). It is a complex Federal/State program controlled by [...]
What will your Long Term Care Cost?
A USA Today headline says that Dementia care could cost $730,000! That’s a scary number that should make you want [...]
Elder Law and Estate Planning Video
I was interviewed by my old friend, Kevin Willet, for Dracut Cable TV. I discussed most of the basic Elder [...]